Stepped Pyramid, Designed by Imhotep, Located at Saqqara, 2630 - 2619 BC. (Image found on padfield.com).
Temple of Luxor - Pylon Gates, Designed by Amenophis III, Located at Luxor - Thebes, 1250 BC. (Image found on http://www.the-silk-route.co.uk/).
Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Designed by Senenmut, Located at Dier el-Bahri, 1460 BC. ( Image found on travel.hat.net).
The Stepped Pyramid reflects the mud brick and hand crafted stone brick construction used in Ancient Egypt. The Temple of Luxor shows the commonly used decorated Pylons, the Sphinx' lining the entrance and the Obelisk in the centre. The Temple of Hatshepsut was for the first female pharoah, incorporating the smoothed stone brick structure, and the use of columns and of stairs.
The movement was a huge revelation of the time and is interesting and insightful to see the monumental structures built with lack of industrialism and technology. I like the movement as it was the foundation for further architecture.
The movement was a huge revelation of the time and is interesting and insightful to see the monumental structures built with lack of industrialism and technology. I like the movement as it was the foundation for further architecture.
Fantastic work Jenny exactly what I am after. Well done in getting so many done in one month!